

Liver Fattiness: 15 foods to cleanse your Fatty Liver naturally

''How strong you are? It all depends on the liver'', this saying perfectly fits in the modern world lifestyle that produces many over-processed livers, all thanks to stressful work life and unbalanced eating habits.   Wanna live healthy, Eat healthy! In this over-ambitious world of success and in a rat race, we often forget that the report card of the body needs to be balanced to achieve it all. There are certain foods and lifestyle habits that cause major damage to the liver and our body without we realizing it. Greasy food and trans fat foods are also largely responsible for liver issues. If one is already suffering from enlarged liver and has issues with SGPT and SGOT which are basic liver tests, it is very important to bring back the liver to its normal helath and shape. Liver is a large organ which takes a lot of time to get damagaed and also to recover. ‎ Once the cirrhosis sets in, it becomes difficult to salvage the liver. So, before it

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