Protein - What Is It and its importance:


When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of nutrients. Period.

Protein is a structural molecule assembled out of amino acids, many of which the body can’t produce on its own. Proteins are the main building blocks of the body. They're used to make muscles, tendons, organs and skin.

Proteins are also used to make enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and various tiny molecules that serve important functions.

Life without protein?

Without protein, life as we know it would not be possible. Animal foods are usually high in protein, with all the essential amino acids that we need.

Amino acids?

Proteins are made out of smaller molecules called amino acids, which are linked together like beads on a string. The linked amino acids form long protein chains, which are then folded into complex shapes.

Some of these amino acids can be produced by the body, while we must get others from the diet. The ones we can not produce and must get from our foods are called the "essential" amino acids.

Protein is not just about quantity. It's also about quality.


Animal protein vs Dairy protein :

Generally speaking, animal protein provides all the essential amino acids in the right ratio for us to make full use of them (only makes sense, since animal tissues are similar to our own tissues).

If you're eating animal products (like meat, fish, eggs, or dairy) every day, then you're probably already doing pretty well, protein-wise.

On the other hand, if you don't eat animal foods, then it is a bit more challenging to get all the protein and essential amino acids that your body needs.

Most people don't really need protein supplements, but they can be useful for athletes and bodybuilders.

So the bottom line is, protein is the most important thing for the entire human life. You should include protein in every meal.

If you're not sure about how much protein you should take in a day for an average human being, do read my article about HOW MUCH PROTEIN YOU SHOULD TAKE IN A DAY.
