Intermittent Fasting

Loosing weight like crazy by Intermittent Fasting:

Fasting, the voluntary abstention from eating is an ancient weight loss method with a long track record of success. However, many people forget the cardinal rule of fasting, or indeed, of any kind of dietary change – always make sure you are doing it safely.

Fasting is a weapon to be used in the fight against obesity related conditions and perhaps some aging related conditions. But, like any weapon, it has two edges. It has real power, and that power can be used constructively and it can also, in the wrong hands, be used destructively. It is all a matter of context and applicability.

Like i wrote in my previous article, intermittent fasting has become very popular for weight loss these days.

Research suggests it may help reduce insulin levels as effectively as daily calorie restriction.
One study found that obese women lost weight and had other health improvements following calorie-restricted intermittent fasting with either liquid or solid meals.

Before you start your Beast mode, and if you want to lose weight like crazy in a week or two, follow these general tips about fasting. If you do want to give fasting a try, keep these general tips in mind:

5 Tips for Starting Your First Fast

1. Drink plenty of water: Staying well hydrated will make the fasting periods much easier to get through.

2. Rewire your thought process: “Think of fasting as taking a break from eating,” not as a period of deprivation. It can be a way to break up the monotony of worrying about what you need to eat next and when. This is the mindset that will allow you do follow a fasting plan long-term, he says.

3. Over commit: It may seem counter intuitive, but the best plan is often to start when you’re busy - not on a day when you’ll be sitting on the couch wanting to snack.

4. Fast overnight: Throw yourself a bone and aim to fast through the night. That way, you’re (hopefully) sleeping during at least eight of those hours.

5. Hit the gym: Pairing intermittent fasting with consistent exercise will help you get better results. “It doesn’t have to be hardcore or crazy. It can be  something as simple as a full-body strength training routine two or three times per week.”

For some, intermittent fasting, or going a longer period of time - usually between 14 and 36 hours - with few to no calories, can be a lot easier than you may think. And the benefits might be worth it.

If you think, all of us “fast” every single day - we just call it sleeping. Intermittent fasting just means extending that fasting period, and being a bit more conscious of your eating schedule overall.

However, only the liquid diet significantly reduced fasting insulin levels. Alternate-day fasting involves fasting or dramatically reducing calories one day and eating normally the following day. Some studies have found it effectively lowers insulin levels.

In one study, 26 people who fasted every other day for 22 days experienced an impressive 57% decrease in fasting insulin levels.

Cures Type 2 Diabetes:

People can lose weight and even reverse many metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and its related conditions. Given the importance of these diseases in modern day medicine, this is nothing short of revolutionary.
However, taken to an extreme, fasting can also have its dangers. This is true not just for fasting but for anything. If you take veganism to an extreme, you may put yourself in danger

For example, of vitamin B12 deficiency. If you take the low fat diet to an extreme, you are at danger of vitamin D deficiency. If you take salt restriction to an extreme, you may be at danger of volume depletion. If you take exercise to an extreme, you may put yourself at danger of rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown). Everything must be done responsibly, with knowledge and with common sense.

Intermittent fasting may help reduce insulin levels. However, study results are mixed, and this way of eating may not suit everyone. Although, many people find intermittent fasting beneficial and enjoyable, it doesn't work for everyone and may cause problems in some people. 

The bottom line is that fasting, used responsibly can be a powerful force for health. Fasting, used inappropriately can hurt or kill you. Fasting by starting out skipping a meal here and there – good idea. Fasting by starting out 30 day water only fast come hell or high water – bad idea.

So in the end, i just want to tell you that, Fasting can be very helpful in loosing weight, type 2 diabetes and many health related problems; only if you're using it appropriately and with common sense. Do not use fasting inappropriately or it can kill you like crazy. 

Be safe guys!
