How to lose weight fast at home

Since the New Year always calls for a fresh start, because that’s what New Year resolutions are all about, this is a good time to kick some old habits and adopt some healthy new ones. 
I will tell you the right way to eat, proper nutrition and diet routine that could change your life and not only it will help you to drop weight but it will also help you to achieve your fitness goals much earlier than you thought you ever could. It will help you to transform yourself completely. If you follow these steps, i can guarantee that you will achieve your desired goal of fitness in 2018.

So here is your answer. Follow these best tips to lose your stubborn fat.

WARNING: You are about to enter into the new life. You will face food cravings and these cravings will make you quit very soon. So you just have to keep motivate yourself every single day and let's see how strong your willpower is. Keep your willpower strong. Believe to Achieve.  

                    The more intensely you follow, the better results you'll get.

The most important thing you should always remember is the FORMULA OF LOSE or GAIN WEIGHT: COUNTING CALORIES

FORMULA - 1 kg of weight needs 30 calories.
So, for example : if your weight is 70 kg then you need 2100 calories daily.

Remember this - If you want to lose weight, cut 500 calories from your daily calories.
If you want to gain weight, add 500 calories in your daily calories.

Calories means - HEALTHY CALORIES do not eat JUNK FOOD (Pizza, burger etc.)😋




 1. Cut back on Sugars and Carbs.

These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most. If you didn't know already, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.
Another benefit of lowering insulin is that your kidneys shed excess sodium and water out of your body, which reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight.
It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds(sometimes more) in the first week of eating this way, both body fat and water weight.

  • Cut the carbs, lower your insulin and you will start to eat less calories automatically and without hunger.
  •  Removing sugars and starches (carbs) from your diet will lower your insulin levels, kill your appetite and make you lose weight without hunger.


2. Reduce carbs, increase proteins.

A low carb diet could play a major role in reducing the kilos from your body quickly. If you opt for a low-carb diet, you could begin seeing results on the weighing scale as early as the next morning from beginning your diet.

Protein helps boost your metabolism while also reducing your appetite. Hence, your diet should comprise protein heavy meals to help you lose weight. Like i said above in 1st step reduce starchy carbs and sugars for the entire week and instead, replace them with low-carb veggies. Increase your protein intake in the form of eggs, lean meats and fish.
  • Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb vegetables. Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day.


3. Avoid processed junk food, eat whole foods

Another key to losing weight quickly is to consume simple whole foods. 

And stay away from foods that are processed or packaged. Remember, lean proteins and low-carb veggies are your go-to foods during the diet.

4. Reduce calorie intake

If you’re aiming at weight-loss, one of the most important factors to keep in mind is to reduce calorie intake. The key to losing fat is to eat fewer calories than you expend. 
So, in order to reduce calorie intake, follow these simple tips:

a. Count your calories: You could use a calorie counting app to know exactly what is in the food you're eating while you're trying to plan how to lose weight. This way, you can keep an exact track of the calories and nutrients you’re consuming.

b. Reduce the number of your meals: Make it a habit to eat dinner early and avoid eating anything post dinner to help in digestion of your food.

c. Load up on veggies: Limit starchy carbs and added fats in your plate but load up on fresh and healthy veggies instead.

d. Opt for lean proteins: Even while consuming protein dense foods, choose proteins that are lower in fat such as chicken and fish.

e. Don’t drink calories: Avoid sugary drinks, aerated drinks and sodas during the diet. Instead opt for water and zero-calorie drinks. Protein shakes are good too, but count them as a meal since they are quite filling.


5. Stay active even outside the gym

Increasing your daily physical activity could help you lose weight faster and burn extra calories. If you’re doing a desk job as compared to a manual job, your sedentary work life could mean that you're unable to burn up to 1,000 calories per day. This amounts to the same as 90-120 minutes of high-intensity exercise at the gym.

You could incorporate simple lifestyle changes such as walking or cycling to nearby destinations, taking stairs instead of elevators, standing more often or even helping out in household chores. You’d be surprised at the calories you could burn by following these simple changes.


6. Try Intermittent Fasting

Another great way how to lose weight is by following intermittent fasting. It helps you reduce calorie intake since it involves reducing your food consumption to a short span of time.
Intermittent fasting could include a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour window to consume food or a 20-hour fast with a 4-hour window to consume food. Try fasting at a different time from your work out if you plan on combining fasting and exercise for effective weight-loss.
If you want an easy way then follow my timings of intermittent fasting - eat whatever you want to eat before bed and do not eat until 12 - 15 hrs.
In short: difference between last and the 1st meal should be around 12-15 hrs. 
In that way you can easily cut your fat very fast.


7. Reduce water retention with these tips

There are a ton of ways through which you could reduce water weight and appear lean and light. Follow these simple tips to reduce water weight in your body to help you achieve weight loss quickly:
a. Drink coffee: Coffee contains caffeine and a healthy dose of it could help you burn more fat and lose excess water weight.

b. Keep a tab on your intolerance:Identify what your foods your body cannot tolerate and keep away from them. Lactose or gluten can lead to excess water retention and result in bloating. Hence, they can be completely avoided.

Caution: Do not take any drug or supplement

Ex: (fat burner, steroids etc.) because Naturally cutting fat is the best way to do.
I always believe in being natural and different.

"If you want to look different, do things differently that others can't do".
