12 High Protein Foods for Bodybuilding

Here are the foods with the highest amount of protein in them. When you’re trying to meet your protein needs it’s good to know which foods will help you along the most. As predicted there are many animal-based, dairy based and vegetarian foods high in protein.

See our list of vegetarian or vegan sources of protein as alternatives if you’re trying to cut down on meat.

1. Chicken Breast: 30g Protein.

Chicken breast is considered a high quality protein, and when compared to other cuts from the same chicken such as the leg or thigh, the breast contains more protein and less fat.
So not only will chicken breast help you build lean muscle, it will help you lose fat as well, which is why it is found on many diet programs as a recommended food.
Chicken breast also contains cholesterol, so you’ll want to watch your intake as to not exceed your cholesterol for the day.

2. Ground Beef: 26g Protein.

Ground beef is a protein-packed food that can get you halfway to your requirement in a hurry. It’s also very versatile, and tends to take on seasonings and spices well, making it a favorite go-to in many cuisines.
Always choose organic grass-fed ground beef to avoid the corn-fed conventional ground beef found in most stores.

3. Pork Chop: 27g Protein.

Pork often takes a backseat to chicken and beef when it comes to popular meat choices, but lean cuts of pork offer plenty of protein without a lot of fat. It’s the fattier versions of pork like bacon and ham that have given it the reputation of being a fatty meat.
But just as there are fattier pieces of beef and chicken, you can be selective with your pork and use it as a regular protein source.
Like any meat you’ll want to make sure that you are having a serving of vegetables with it to help your digestive system process it. Animal sources of protein contain no fiber of their own and need an assist in the way of a vegetable.

4. Swiss Cheese: 25g Protein.

Swiss cheese is a protein powerhouse, but you probably won’t want to eat a 100g serving in order to meet half of your protein needs.
Swiss cheese and other cheese are also a good source of calcium, so you’re not only helping to meet your protein requirements, you’re getting a good amount of calcium.
Many cheeses in addition to Swiss cheese are high in protein. Consider mozzarella, which at 22g protein from the same 100g serving is no slouch in the protein department.
Just be aware of the fat and cholesterol content of whichever cheese you go with and balance the pros and cons of using it to meet your protein needs.

5. Salmon: 24g Protein.

Salmon is often regarded as a healthy food you should be eating a few times a week, not only for its protein content but also because of the omega-3s it contains. If you’re looking for protein and a change from chicken and beef, fish makes an excellent choice. Go with oily fish to get the omega-3s as well.
Salmon benefits both the heart and the brain, the two most important organs you have, and both of these benefits are attributed to the omega 3’s it contains.

6. Black Beans: 22g Protein.

The first non-meat item of our protein foods list is black beans, which pack a whopping 22 grams of protein into a 100 gram serving.
It’s not only black beans that rank highly in protein, many other beans have respectable protein numbers, such as navy beans, soybeans, lima beans, kidney beans, and more.
Black beans and other beans are also fantastic sources of soluble fiber, which will help you feel full, and balance your blood sugar. It’s nice that you can get both a protein portion and a fiber portion from the same food, as many high-protein items are devoid of fiber.

7. Almonds: 21g Protein.

Almond and other nuts can provide you with decent amounts of protein. They’ll also help keep you satisfied because they provide both protein, fiber, and healthy fats, three factors in helping you have a sustained satisfied feeling.
Almonds are relatively high in fat, so the general rule is to keep your total daily consumption of almonds to a handful to avoid gaining weight.
One of the most important things that almonds contain is healthy fats, both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. These fats will actually help you lose fat if needed, and will help maintain a healthy weight.

8. Pumpkin Seeds: 19g Protein.

Pumpkin seeds have been gaining in notoriety for their healthiness, and being one of the high protein foods is part of that equation. The minerals in pumpkin seeds is what is getting all of the attention, including high levels of magnesium and zinc to help out important functions like pumping your heart and maintaining a good mood.
For men, keeping your zinc level up is a good step towards avoiding prostate cancer. For both sexes, pumpkin seeds can help you sleep due to the tryptophan it contains, a natural amino acid that helps produce more melatonin, the hormone that signals you that it’s time for sleep.
Not only pumpkin seeds, but sunflower seeds and flax seeds also offer a good amount of protein, so you can vary up your seed of choice to keep things interesting, but still get the protein you’re after.

9. Eggs: 13g Protein.

Eggs are a great way to boost your protein, and can be cooked up and eaten by themselves, or used as part of a larger dish. No matter how you get them, eggs will provide you with an assortment of vitamins and minerals.
The great debate over whether to eat the yolk or not is settled when it comes to getting more protein. You’ll want to eat both the yolk and the white to get all of the protein you can from the egg, as each contains similar amounts of protein. The reason the debate exists is due to the fat that’s in the yolk, and whether it’s worth eating the fat to get the protein and other benefits of eggs.

10. Cottage Cheese: 11g Protein.

Cottage cheese has been noted for its protein content by several diet programs that are big on strength training. It’s a good way to start your day, as even a half cup of cottage cheese will provide you a double-digit percentage of your total protein needs for the day.
There’s plenty of calcium as well as Vitamin B-12 in cottage cheese, so you’re getting multiple benefits from it, not just a relatively high protein content.
If you go with a low fat or a nonfat version of cottage cheese you’ll be getting plenty of protein with fewer calories and total fat grams.

11. Greek Yogurt: 10g Protein.

Greek yogurt has become famous in recent years thanks to its higher protein content when compared to ordinary yogurt. The protein helps keep you feeling satisfied, and also makes for a better choice for those looking to build lean muscle, while still losing fat.
Greek yogurt has a thicker consistency than regular yogurt, as the whey has been removed through a straining process, which is why it is also referred to as strained yogurt. For protein aficionados the protein in Greek yogurt iscasein protein rather than whey protein as the whey has been strained out.
Like regular yogurt, Greek yogurt is a good source of probiotic bacteria. Just be sure to go with a Greek yogurt that isn’t loaded up with sugar in order to get the full benefits.

12. Tofu: 8g Protein.

Tofu is derived from soybeans and is often used as a meat substitute for those looking to reduce the amount of meat they eat, as well as those following a meatless diet plan.
If you’re trying to build muscle by eating more protein, you can supplement your meat intake with tofu and still get the benefit of a quality protein source. You aren’t limited to just tofu when it comes to a soy-based food that provides protein. Try tempeh as a high-protein food that can also sub in for meat.
Tofu is also an excellent source of calcium, and the same 100 gram serving that nets you 16% of your protein for the day gets you 35% of your calcium.

So, these are the best Sources of Protein which will help you in muscle growth and becoming a Beast.
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